Monday, February 18, 2013

A little sappy....but oh so true!

Fair warning.... I am about to go all sappy mama on you.....

I had one of those moments today where I looked back at my daughter in her car seat and she looked like a kid. Not a baby, not a toddler, a real honest to goodness kid. I am not sure if it was the way the sunshine was highlighting her cheekbones or the look in her eyes at that very moment, but it took my breath away. At just a few months shy of four years old, she is a far cry from all-grown-up, but in that instant, I caught a glimpse into the future. . I didn't say a word to her and I am certain that she had no idea that I was having such a "mom moment", but there was simply something beautiful about that exchange. I stared at her a little longer than usual, and she let me do so...a rarity these days without her saying "What are you looking at mama?"

I know this is a far sappier post that most, but as parents, I think we are often pulled in about 15 different directions at any given time. And sometimes I think we are so caught up in the fire-fighting and the "how on earth are we going to survive this situation" moments, that we often look right past those "take your breath away" opportunities The ones that make this whole utterly exhausting in every sense of the word,  adventure, so incredible. I actually had my camera right next to me, and for a fleeting moment, I considered grabbing it and trying to capture on film, what would be forever imprinted on my mind, and heart. But at that same instant, I know that no photo could do justice to this moment.

Fast forward just 5 minutes, and I was back to my reality and was reminding that "grown up" little girl not to push her baby brother and steal his toys. And it never felt so good to reprimand her. A reminder that my job as a mama is far from done. A reminder in fact, that no matter how many times I look at her ever changing face and body and think "what did THAT happen?", there will always be lessons to share, guidance to offer, tears to wipe, games to play, and moments to share.

My husband often scoffs at me when I say that I am still looking for a way to banzai my babies. They can do it to plants....certainly there must be a way to do it with humans right? I get all misty eyed and weepy each time one of my littles moves from one phase of childhood to the next. I always say "that is the last time I will ever seem them do _____________" and then he always says, "Don't you know that the best stuff is still to come?" And my answer is always "No, this is the best stuff."

Recently, a light bulb went off when I made this comment.  Little did I know I have been talking myself into a corner all along. For each time I make that argument, I admit that each phase is even better than the last and this adventure is not one with a beginning and an end, but one that will last a lifetime. Sure, some years will be better than others....I hear middle school is AWESOME. And I can tell you without a doubt that that beautiful little "all grown up" girl and I will have many a door-slamming-I-hate-you-mom arguments. But I can also tell you that on the other side of those rough patches, is always a stronger love. Tis the relationship between parent and child....and even more so  between mother and daughter. Trust me, I have been there once already....

I never said my "random mama thoughts Monday" posts wouldn't be sappy...just random. So, thank you for indulging in my mama moment for the day.... Peas. Love. Yumminess. friends!

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