Friday, February 1, 2013

"Freaked me out of my business...."

Every once in awhile, your little one is going to say something that just about causes you to keel over in painful, side-splitting laughter....if it hasn't happened yet, it will. I guarantee it will. And it seems as though 3 1/2 is just about prime time for hilarity. Sweet R is full of them these days....

The latest came during a routing shopping trip to our very favorite store, rhymes with Scmarget. Yeah, you know the place....

I was cruising the store with just one offspring in tow, feeling pretty hip, so I decided to take a rare cruise through the clothing that is larger than 5T. I believe they call it "Adult Clothing"....I don't venture there too often these days. As we were emerging from between the racks of  "Really, neon green and gold zippers are stylish?" and "Dear God please tell me I have at least another 30 years before I consider that to be "cute"", we hear a familiar voice say "Hiiiii R" (well, it was her whole name, but you get the picture).

R, who we generally have to remind to take a breath between her endless chatter, immediately went silent and went into "I am all confused right now so I am just going to play shy" mode. It was her preschool teacher Miss A. R was deer in the headlights stunned. It was her first time seeing one of her teachers out in the "real world" and I honestly think that she thought her teachers sleep on those tiny little nap mats every night and eat from the ginormous cans of fruit cocktail and goldfish crackers. Surely, they don't venture beyond the keypad controlled doors. That would just be ridiculous.

Miss A went out of her way to make R feel like it was super special to see her, but I could tell the wheels were turning in her little head as to the absurdity of the whole situation.

We proceeded to check out, load ourselves into the car, and head towards home. R was unusually silent...undoubtedly still processing the events of 10 minutes prior. About 2/3 of the way home, R draws in a deep breath and says, wait for it....

"Mama! I saw Miss A at "Scmarget" and it freaked me out of my business!"

Cue near car accident causing laughter from mama here. She was dead serious, but I think it may be the most hilarious thing she has said to date. I mean really? "Freaked me out of my business"? Clearly she has been taking lessons from someone WAY cooler than me when it comes to her street lingo!  Did I mention she is 3???

Oh, the teen years shall be interesting. Something tells me, I just may be "freaked out of my business" more than once in the years to come! 

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