Tuesday, February 26, 2013

My Dentist's Choice: Tooth Tissues

One of the questions I hear regularly among new parents has to do with the oral hygiene of their little ones....namely, "When and HOW do we start brushing her teeth?" Or, lack thereof in the case of my littles. Sweet R didn't get her first tooth until she was 14 months old and Little Man B, he was 11 months. Late bloomers here in this house. But one thing I learned was that just because they had no teeth yet, that didn't mean we could just forget about taking care of their tiny mouths. Health habits that start from birth, last a lifetime and boy do I wish I had known about Tooth Tissues almost 4 years ago!

Drs. Grace Lo and Jonathan Korn are practicing dentists....and parents! They know the importance of cleaning babies' teeth and gums after each meal....and even after bottles of milk or formula. Babies' gums, cheeks, and teeth build up plaque just like us adults. But getting your baby boo to brush their teeth (or even letting you in there to brush them) is not always an easy task. Enter, Tooth Tissues!

Tooth Tissues are disposable dental wipes that are designed with our little ones in mind. The wipes are made of bamboo and are all natural and unflavored....LOVE that!! I even tried them myself, and there really is NO flavor....a great thing for finicky babes! They are uniquely textured and designed for effective, safe, plaque removal from teeth, gums, tongue, and cheeks. AND, they care super easy to toss in your diaper bag or purse for cleaning on the go! They are packaged as single use wipes, or 30 packs in a soft, resealable pouch.

Fluoride free and paraben free, these wipes contain no ingredients concerning to parents. But they do include aloe vera to soothe teething gums, and xylitol, a proven cavity fighter! A perfect combination!

Wanna give My Dentist's Choice Tooth Tissues a try??

Visit their website at www.toothtissues.com to learn more and even place an order!

This is definitely one of the things we LOVE!!!


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