Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Epiphany Tutoring

They say that having the right teacher makes all the difference. Today's "Working Girl" proves once again that that is indeed, a true statement. A certified teacher, Kara , found her passion in helping teach students how to learn. She found that while there were plenty of services in the Valley for older students and those seeking college/test prep services, there was a true need for services geared to the younger students, those in elementary and middle school. Thus, Epiphany Tutoring was born!

Kara understood that if academic concerns were caught early on and corrected, it was a platform that would set students up for ongoing success and positive self-esteem. She also knew that so many young students feel they are “bad” at a particular subject, and it doesn’t take long for a student to mentally give up, setting him or her up for struggle and distaste for that subject, possibly for life. Kara has made it the goal at Epiphany to help students and their families see that difficult subject (or school in general) in a different, more enjoyable way, so he or she will break the cycle of disliking and failing. She has made it her mission to make learning fun!

It is my pleasure to introduce you all to Kara!

Tell us about your business...
"When parents notice their child is struggling in school, but they don't know why or exactly how to help; when they've tried what they can but are limited by time, resources, or experience.... they turn to Epiphany Tutoring, because an experienced, certified teacher who comes to their home can make all the difference in their child's education."
 What did you do in your past life...before you launched your business?
"I have taught all grades PreK-8 over 7 years. I left teaching to work in finance for 3 years to make a decent living, then returned, using what I learned in corporate business to start an educational tutoring company."
What made you decide to take the leap into being a business owner?
"I love teaching, but I won't accept the pathetic amount of pay. I feel it is unethical what we pay teachers, so I won't stand for it. I had to find a way to teach, but be able to make a fair living. No one goes into teaching for the money, but unless we start to say no, the low pay will continue."
What has been your greatest professional success to date?
"It's hard to pick out a singular event; being a teacher gives you so many little successes to celebrate all the time. I guess I'm pretty proud that I survived being a financial advisor for 4 years during the recession, and then took that business knowledge to do what I really wanted to do."
 How about the biggest "lesson learned"?
"A huge lesson I've learned is that you don't have to take everyone as a client. You need to do business with people who are a good fit for your business. If you say yes to everyone with a heartbeat, some of those clients will turn out to be a poor decision later, and cost you in time, money, or stress."
What is next on the horizon for your business?
"This summer, we will be hiring more employees to grow the business. We're excited to have a waiting list of potential clients and we need more certified, experienced teachers to help!"
Where can we find you when you are not being Super Business Owner Woman??
"Sometimes it's hard to pin me down! On the weekends I love to enjoy the outdoors with my husband, Ryan and our dog, Spud. We like baseball games, the park, outdoor events, etc."

When someone asks you to tell a joke, what is your "go-to" one-liner?
""Math is like love; a simple idea, but it can get complicated." I LOVE math jokes :)"

If you could go back in time, what would you tell your 18 year-old self?
"Enjoy your butt while it is that size! :) "
Inspired? Want to learn more about Epiphany Tutoring
Check out their website at


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