Friday, April 12, 2013

2,857 Tabs...All. The. Time.

I am not one to share these e cards all the time, but this one struck a chord.

This.....exactly this....

There are times that my husband grabs my laptop before I have had the chance to close down at least 1,424 of the open tabs and he just shakes his head. They say women are the great multi-taskers of the world. That's a nice way to put it.....

When we lie down at night, I swear it takes exactly 17.2 seconds until I hear muffled snores from the other side of the bed. In 17.2 seconds, I managed only to partially prioritize the next 34 things I am going to think about before I am able to shut off my brain for the evening.  Mind you, not all of those 34 to-do items are deep, game-changing, ideas. Ranging from: "Did I close the garage door tonight?" to "What are we going to do when our daughter wants to date the rocker dude next door (she is 3 right now...)?" And other deep thoughts such as: "I wonder if that DIY tutorial on Pinterest on how to convert 3 paper towel rolls and a piece of  moldy plywood into a fabulous Pottery Barn knockoff is really legit." to "How badly do I want to do the whole newborn thing again?"

And that is only the first 47 seconds worth....In yoga, they call it "Chitta Vritti", Sanskrit for "Mind Chatter" and when I practice, I have one hell of a time quieting it. I am the one who is surprisingly bendy, but does not look at all relaxed no matter how long I listed to the sounds of birds singing in the rain forest surrounded by lavender scented candles. A little high strung? Maybe. I admit that. But I think the answer is more along the lines of the fact that I was born with lucky XX chromosome.

Can anyone else relate to this? Is it a blessing or a curse? Has anyone out there figured out a good way to tune out the Chitta Vritti? Do share....lord knows we could use some ideas!

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