Monday, November 19, 2012

Random Mama Thoughts Monday

As we get started on this blog, I am hoping to have some sort of order to our daily posts....not as easy as it sounds when one is as random and easily distracted as I am (shiny object.....). But, regardless, for the sake of the Super Mamas (and papas....) reading this, I am going to try and stick to a plan. Mondays are Mondays however, and I cannot be held responsible for turning out top-notch work on such a day. So, alas, I have created a loop-hole (ahhh, the beauty of working for oneself....) and I now pronounce that Mondays here on the At First Bite blog will be deemed, "Random Mama Thoughts Monday".

There, we have a title, which suggests order, but we have wiggle room for some randomness. That's right friends, I am a people pleaser! I do what I can.

Some weeks, my Random Mama Thoughts will be my own, sometimes we will have a guest post from a VIP. Sometimes it will have something to do with At First Bite....sometimes it won't. Don't you worry, I will keep you on those pretty toes of yours...or in my case, not so much,  I let my 3-year old try her hand as a nail tech last night....not pretty. But I digress....

Random Mama Thought of the Week: Seriously retail giants?? Seriously??

Over the past month or so, I have had to explain to my 3 year old no less than 183 times that "No, Santa is not coming next week....he is still (fill-in-the-blank) night-sleeps away." Not only is this seriously challenging my higher-math skills, but it is confusing the heck out of that sweet little brain of hers. She is forever going to be confused as to why the Easter Bunny, Tom Turkey, and the Jolly Red Man himself adorn the shelves just beyond the toilet paper and kitty litter for what seems like ETERNITY to a little one (and many adults) before they actually make their ninja-like entrance into our homes to leave treats, tryptophan, and toys for the whole family.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the economics behind it all. And it certainly won't keep me from visiting my own personal holy-land of Target.....seriously, we went every Sunday as a child.( I thought Holy Water came in the form of White Cherry Icees.....) But, for the sake of us mamas just trying to explain to our kiddos why dogs scratch their ears with their feet and that no, it is not particularly flattering for humans to do so, please help a sister out. Maybe wait until the calendar is in the same lunar cycle of the holiday to roll out the neon Easter Bunnies and animatronic Rudolphs (seriously, they are creepy...)? Please and Thank You!!!

And this my friends, was Random Mama Thought Monday!!

***Have a Random Mama Thought you want to share?? Please do!!! Just comment below, or send an email to: You may be featured next!***

1 comment:

  1. Maureen McCoy McWhorterNovember 19, 2012 at 11:50 AM

    Not only is this SO TRUE, but quite humorous as well! Thanks for the smile! PS- since we live in the lovely state in Arizona, my daughter has ZERO concept of snow (which is quite sad, really). But because of this, she refers to the fake snow in the grocery store as "bubbles". She even tries to blow on them. Ooohhhh, child.... :) Happy Monday!


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