Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thouroughly Yummy Thursday

Because this is just ADORABLE!
Gobble, gobble friends!! Yes, it is finally here....the day of supreme gluttony. They day when the daily caloric intake of many Americans surpasses the collective weekly intake of the entire cast of Twilight....I think. I have actually never seen a Twilight movie nor read one of the books (let the eye rolling begin....). They seem like sad, waif-like, hungry little teenagers. But I digress....

To this point, in the storied not-quite-one-week-long history of this blog, I have written about retail madness, collecting "stuff" to talk about, and working girls. But there has been nary a mention of food. Baby food, toddler food, awesome burritos...nothin. Kinda weird coming from a blog founded out of a natural baby food business no? Especially the burrito part. We do love in AZ after all....and I do love me a good burrito.

Today that all changes......welcome to Thoroughly Yummy Thursday! And if I do say so myself, I picked a rad day for this series to make its debut! Pure coincidence ya'll.

I run a baby food business. That is a fact. I want people to buy my baby food. That is also a fact. People can make their own food for their babies at home and I will be proud of them even though they didn't buy my food because in my humble opinion, it is the best thing for their little tummies. That is indeed another fact, as well as a run-on sentence.

So what I am getting at is that I want to share with you all some recipes, tips, tricks, and stories along that way that will make mealtime with your munchkins a bit more enjoyable and maybe even kinda fun.

Today, in the spirit of the holiday and all, let's introduce baby to Thanksgiving moderation of course. We don't need anyone to have to unsnap their onesie to make room for seconds.

So here is my big secret for today.....are you ready??

Baby can eat what YOU eat this turkey day, (with a few exceptions that is)!!! As a general rule, you should avoid feeding baby nuts, shellfish, cows milk, and honey before they smash that mini-cake on their first birthday. But aside from that, pretty much everything else is fair game, just be sure to introduce foods slowly so as to watch out for potential allergic reactions and make sure that you process the food into a consistency that baby can handle. That includes making sure that finger foods are cut into small non-hazardous pieces.

So go ahead, put Grandma's Green Bean Casserole into the food processor. Chop up some jellied cranberry sauce....get some video of your toddler trying to pick that up. Priceless. Make a sweet potato and turkey puree in the same blender you made the margaritas in during the football game (just be sure to rinse it out first....please). Get creative!!! With baby food, exact measurements are not so critical. It is all about what nutrients you are putting in your little love's tummy and the "yumminess" that the grow to love!!

Or, plan B, you can always order up some yumminess from At First be delivered next week. That is OK too! You can do that at if you are so inclined.

Happy Thanksgiving all!!!  Peas. Love. Yumminess today and always!!

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