Friday, December 7, 2012

Eureka! We have found it...

Toddler Nirvana that is.....

Is it Lego Land? Is is Sesame Place? Is it that giant toy store with the super cool dancing piano in the movie "Big"? No, nope, no way Jose.....

It's the cabinet design store. Yep, that's right my friends....never saw a Groupon for that little adventure did ya? Well, let's keep it that way so that we don't get everyone all excited and find the place super crowded (not that that EVER happens when I buy my various Yoga/Mani-Pedi deals on said website...). But seriously friends, this place is the bees knees.

I had been dreading the appointment all week knowing that I would be having to tend to my newly-walking and overly excited about pretty much everything little dude, while trying to carry on an adult conversation about cherry versus oak, self closing versus probably-gonna-pinch-your-kiddos'-fingers-at-some-point drawers. You know, first world problems right?!?!

Well, let me tell you, one step inside that door and little B's eyes lit up like he had just come face to face with the biggest, most delicious Oreo cookie ever (he loves Oreo least the one he got from the nice sample lady at Costco...perhaps the 2nd best place ever with a toddler ). I set him down and he was off the wall-o-cabinet-doors. The possibilities were endless. For the next 20 minutes, he walked door to door like a little magazine salesman and opened each and every one, looked back at me, babbled some commentary on the design elements and craftsmanship and flashed those killer dimples. All the glory of the cabinet game at home with none of the unpleasant crankiness from mom when she has to clean up all the Tupperware for the 18th time that week. And, none of those pesky baby locks! He could throw all caution to the wind and open and close to his little heart's content.

Ten times the fun of a giant Oreo cookie without all the uncontrollable chocolate baby drool that comes with it - seriously, that drool is embarrassing. And gross.

When his interest in the wall-o-doors started to wane, my anxiety rose as I feared the toddler melt-down was impending. One glance across the showroom to the wall-o-self-closing-drawers and he was in love once again! He toddled right over and I didn't see his face for the next 25+ minutes....just the back of his adorable little mussed up hair (does anyone else out there have a kid with hair like a troll doll in the back? It's cute...but I kinda want to dye it bright blue or something...)

In review... Looking for some cheap (OK FREE) entertainment for your little one? Don't want to deal with the crowds at the play place? The cabinet design place just may be place for your next baby date! Bring a cup o Joe and settle in at one of the sparkly, new couter tops....don't worry, if it gets crowded, there are MANY counters to sit at. Just make sure you don't actually buy any longer a cheap play date.

Tips for toddler survival! Brought to you by this mom o two!

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