Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Socorro Counseling

Every once in a while in this life, you stumble upon someone whose career is such a perfect fit for their personality that you think, "how awesome is that?" When I first met today's Working Girl, I was floored by just how connected I felt to her in such a short amount of time. Her sincerity and genuine ways simply made me feel instantly comfortable and at ease. She was relaxed, yet invested in our conversation (something pretty inane I am sure, since our first meeting as at a Fourth of July BBQ)...all while managing a 2 year old and a brand new baby girl. Impressive.

Elisa and her husband relocated back to the Phoenix area just about two years ago and decided to grow the business that they had started in their previous home in Seattle, Socorro Counseling and Consulting. In their time as a business, they have touched many lives and hope to be able to reach out to so many more in the years to come. Their services are based on support, compassion, and understanding...all in a safe and welcoming environment.

She is truly changing lives each and every day....good stuff for sure.

It is my honor to introduce you all to Elisa.

 Tell us about your business...
"My husband and I started a small private counseling practice, Socorro Counseling, years ago in Seattle. Since our move to Phoenix 2 years ago, we have developed and expanded the practice and are now Socorro Counseling and Consulting. We now offer premarital counseling and have a mom's group along with the individual and group counseling & consulting. Socorro means "assistance in a time of need." We believe that sometimes you just need someone to walk along side you and meet you in those places of great joy, deep sorrow, and many areas in between. Sometimes that means a person comes to us in crisis and despair, other times it is because of relationship issues, times of transition, or life's challenges." 
What did you do in your past life...before you launched your business?
"I have worn many hats that have ironically prepared me for starting my own business. I have been a graduate student for a Masters in Counseling Psychology; worked as a full time employee at an inpatient eating disorders facility; traveled the nation as a part of a Speakers Bureau and Marketing team addressing issues of eating disorders and anxiety; and most challenging, thought provoking, & rewarding I have been a stay at home mom. There is nothing so real and amazing as to watch your own kids become their own little people."
What made you decide to take the leap into being a business owner?
"Private Practice allows me to do the work that I love and feel called to do, but have a more flexible schedule to be able to play, enjoy, and be home with my kids while they are still young."
What has been your greatest professional success to date?
"I don't know if it's a success, as much as gratitude and feeling honored that I get to walk alongside people and witness change and hope emerge in their lives and relationships."
 How about the biggest "lesson learned"?
"Finding a work/life balance. It is easy to "work here and there" when you run your own business which turns into working every day. We try and find a time of rest and play for our family where gadgets are turned off, ideas aren't bouncing, and we are just being present with one another…it's been a journey."
What is next on the horizon for your business?
"We are super excited to have recently moved to our new offices! We are now located downtown at 6th Ave and Roosevelt. We are excited about being a part of this community, and look forward to developing new relationships."
Where can we find you when you are not being Super Business Owner Woman??
"Most days, just trying to get through the day with two little girls - making it to all our activities, being creative around the home, filling our bellies, and getting sleep (if that happens). I most enjoy playing out doors with my family (walks, hikes, or at the park or pool), finding new places to eat and drink on dates with my husband, and relishing any quiet, alone time I can get my hands on with a cup of coffee and something to read or a project to work on."
If we were to run into you at a cocktail party, what would be your "party trick"?
"Oh my, it may be my moves on the dance floor…that is if this cocktail party is the kind with a dance floor. :)"
When someone asks you to tell a joke, what is your "go-to" one-liner?
"I am much more of an improv comedian. :)"
 If you could go back in time, what would you tell your 18 year-old self?
"Breathe deep, and breathe it all in. Life moves quickly, try to slow down. It is ok that life is hard and dark sometimes, this doesn't mean that it isn't also very, very good."

 Inspire? Want to learn more?
Check out their website at:

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