Thursday, May 16, 2013

Recipe: Popeye's Ice Cream

There is no doubt about it....summer is here (at least here in Phoenix anyway)! And when it is this warm out, one of the very best ways to cool down is with a cold treat! There are plenty of healthy-ish frozen treats on the market these days, but they tend to be a little pricey. So, why not make your own? And while you are at it, slip in some nutrient packed ingredients....your kiddos may not even know they are there!

Today, I share with you a delightful little recipe that I think will be a hit with your littles....

Popeye's Ice Cream
Mama Chef Extraordinaire: Shannon at Squooshi (
When to Introduce: Because of the use of cow's milk in this recipe, we would recommend waiting until your little love is at least one year old to try this one out.  If you have concerns, always be sure to consult a pediatrician.
Why we Love It:  Who doesn't love ice cream? I mean, really? This treat is so sweet, creamy, and cool that you are likely to forget how healthy it is. And, with the Spinach slipped in there, you are providing your family with the best stuff around...and they may not even realize it! 

3/4 c half and half
1/4 c agave nectar
1/2 banana
2/3 c nonfat dry milk
2 c fresh spinach
1 1/2 T vanilla extract
2-3 c ice cubes
1. Place all ingredients in blender jar in the order listed above.
2. Blend until smooth (on whatever setting you would typically use for something with ice cubes)
3. Pop in the freezer to set up for a more ice-cream consistency, or serve immediately! This is a GREAT recipe for your reusable food pouches! You can even freeze portions in the pouch and simply let thaw for about 30 minutes before serving. 

Servings: This will make about 4 servings (about 1/2 cup each)!

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