Obviously, he has no clue and I sure I won't be able to get away with eavesdropping in this way forever. I figure that sometime around the age of 15, he will figure it out and remove the ancient artifact of technology from my earshot...or maybe just unplug the transmitter in his room....he will for sure be smart enough to figure that out right? If not, we may have bigger problems...
But for now, I take great pleasure in this little baby melodrama that I get to partake in each day...yes, sometimes I answer him. No, we do not have one of those new-fangled 2-way monitors....I just entertain myself. His conversations have evolved from occasional babbles, to steady streams of dialogue complete with inflection, to roaring at his diny-horse books (that's dinosaur books for those of you not up on our family lingo...), to full out road-rage-esque fits of baby-cussing. Those are the most amusing to me...there are no tears (usually). But the angst with which this serious little 18 month old "speaks" is oddly inspiring to me. He is my son for sure...he has spent a lot of time in the car with me.
I know, not a particularly inspiring or informational post today, and I am certain this is not a phenomena exclusive to my home. But it makes me smile when I take time out to listen, and I am sure it does you as well. And the sun is out. And Spring is on the way. And that is what Friday's are all about.
I am off to catch some glorious sun....and soon as I can pull myself away from this baby monitor!
Happy Weekend!
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